Due to my chosen brief being Silver Lining Productions - a TV company- I looked at TV company logos that already exist to give me inspiration and an understanding of why/how the logos are recognisable and represent the company they come from. Due to me not having a theme idea for my main pieces yet I tried to find/analyse logos belonging to channels that have a variation of genres instead of focusing on 3 drama channels for example. Some logos may relate to the genre of the channel however I plan to create a neutral logo that could represent any genre that I plan to base my work around.
Comedy Central
In the photos I included two variations of the same logo, no.1 is usually in the corner of the screen when a programme is on and no. 2 appears in the adverts like I mentioned.
The colouring of these 2 are black on a white or a transparent background however the channel also features red and white themes, I like how the logo colours are simple and the logo its basic lines as its not over complicated and there's not too much going on. Therefore it is easily recognisable from the forward and backward c's as well as the clear text.

The BBC3 logo is also fairly recognisable, especially in the UK as it is part of the BBC network. Also like the comedy central logo, the BBC3 logo has text stating it is for the BBC3 making it clear for people to understand and recognise.
This is the current BBC3 logo and it often is a moving image product coming on in adverts for the channel, however the stationary logo again has a fairly simple colour pallet except on the image ( which is one variation of the logo) has different tones of pink as this particular variation is a moving clip that shows the 'three' being filled up with pink liquid.
This logo overall is simple and clearly presents the company's channel name. The background of this logo often depends on the adverts background or that of the variation as the BBC3 logo roughly stays the same however can change slightly due to how it's presented/advertised.
I also like how this advert is fairly neutral as the BBC3 channel shows arrange of genres from soaps to dramas and comedies, this logo doesn't tie them to one thing.

My chosen brief said that the target audience is similar to that of E4 so I decided it would be a good idea to review and research their logo.
The E4 logo again is quite simple, in colour and style, nether the less it is still a recognisable logo despite not knowing what the 'E' stands for (after research I found it stood for entertainment). This company has always been shorted down, like the BBC it uses an acronym to present the company's name.
Similar to BBC3 the channel isn't tied to a specific genre of shows playing host to both dram and comedy, this logo is also fairly neutral and doesn't reduce the variety of shows played into one category like the comedy central one - hints at comedy.
The colour pallet Is also simple and quite plain with only purple and white being used. this can make the logo stand out as its not dark and isn't cluttered with colour.
After reviewing existing TV company logos I have decided I'd like to stick with simple themes/colours and possibly have an acronym to shorten the long 'Silver Lining Productions' title into something quicker to say and something that would fit better as a logo. Also by shortening the logo it is easier to remember and therefore it would be more recognisable to the audience. Also taking inspiration from BBC3 and E4 id like to create a neutral logo (like mentioned before) that won't pin the company to one genre or theme.
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