this is from YT comments on the video showing it was a hit with his fans thus buying him back some loyalty:

Regarding other forms of social media i.e. twitter, Sheen hasn't always been on the best of terms with other celebrities and has been in trouble in the past for using fans like attack dogs and abusing his power. One fairly well known twitter rant was against him and Rihanna where she apparently snubbed a meet and greet with Sheens girlfriend at a resutuarnt. Using his power on twitter he ranted, trawling through Sheens twitter I found the posts as well as fan responses.
Clearly from this, Sheen is shown to be someone who isn't afraid to voice his opinions and get his fans on side as his rants must be aimed at them. From fan responses its clear that he gets mixed reactions regarding his posts with most of his fans finding it funny or supporting his actions, I tried to use a screen shot of negative comment as well, the one shown is from an angry Rihanna fan showing he has upset the peace. I was unable to find an apology tweet for from him to Rihanna however I found one to Kim K over a rant he had about her. Context mentioned in this article:
"So we helped Charlie get ownership of @CharlieSheen on Twitter and verify his account to ensure that friends and fans would have no doubt as to his identity and the authenticity of his tweets. As we have with many celebrities, our stellar talent team then helped get Charlie and his team started with, Twitpic and the other Twitterverse tools he might need - something we do quite often for athletes and artists.
Such fans praised Sheen for apologising thus presenting Sheen as a man that knows the error of his ways and how to win back his audience.
One thing I discovered why conductiong this research I that a lot of celebs like Charlie have companies that mange their social media, for example specsalises in social media marketing amd have maagange the accounts of stars like Kim Kardashian and Snoop Dogg. They said : "An epic 800,000 followers later, Charlie is an immediate sensation on Twitter. We're happy to have been a part of this moment. We know this is only the start of many interesting and conversation-provoking snapshots of Charlie's fascinating life." (from an article :
going back to the 'no such thing as bad publicity' point, it makes you question is it all real?
On twitter, when not attacking people, Sheen also likes to present him self as a caring family member and friend, regularly posting about his daughters and lost icons like Joan rivers, tweets that often are net with adoring comments of fans declaring their love of him and congratulations on news, thus maintaining his bond with fans and presenting himself as a human being after all.
Going through his feed he also interacts with fans mainly through talk of his shows or retweeting/sharing pictures of him and fans examples include:
By retweeting these photos/posts Sheen is showing himself as someone who cares for fans and will associate with them thus presenting his brand positively.
Despite this, there has been incidents of Sheen abusing his power, such as the time that his daughter was bullied at school and he urged fans to send abuse to her school ( I was unable to find the exact tweet as its been deleted however E online wrote he said: "Cadre! This is a legitimate call to arms. My daughter Sam was bullied out of Viewpoint school and then called a liar. It's on!" he tweeted. "If you have a rotted egg a roll of toilet paper or some dog s--t; I urge u to deliver it with 'extreme prejudice' to their KamPuss run by trolls and charlatans Make me proud." This is clearly about Sheen abusing his power thus promoting his brand negatively and there was no reports of an apology except for the fact he moved on from it showing he does stand by actions.
Sheens instagram is very similar to the positive side he tries to express on twitter, he posts pictures about work and family which I have assumed is the brand he tries to set. He doesn't seem to have fan photos on Instagram or respond that much to fans so its assumed his Instagram is more observational than interactive when it comes to fans. However when going into his tagged photos there are pictures of him socialising with fans thus meaning he doesn't have to post about fans as they do that for him:
From this study I can assume that Charlie Sheen has tried to build back his life after his public meltdown and despite having a few rants and misusing his power he tries to uphold the image of a work dedicated, fan friendly family man to positively present his brand.
Great, detailed work - as ever - Rachel. You have developed the ideas by using the research that you have completed and shown how you have applied the ideas discussed in the lessons.
ReplyDeleteKeep reading widely - it is improving the breadth and depth of your responses and use that media guardian web site